Saturday, December 17, 2011

It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year!

We ventured into the "district," as the locals refer to it, to see the National Tree, last night.  Not to sound like Scrooge, but for being named the "National Tree," we expected quite a bit more than we got.  This thing has nothing on the Rockefeller Tree....then again, what does?  Here it is...

The train set going round and round did add a nice effect.

Aside from the tree, there were some fun surrounding details:

High School Choir from Columbus Ohio.
The White House from afar (minor detail).
Each state was represented by a tree.  The tree was adorned with hand-painted bulbs representing highlights from the particular state (e.g. NYC Skyline).
Check out this AWESOME fire-pit.  It was dug about 10-12 feet into the ground!

Merry Christmas!!

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