Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Volunteering Makes a Difference!

In an effort to become more involved in the Arlington community, and hopefully meet some cool people in the process, we attended a volunteer information session last night for the county.  Numerous local organizations were there to snatch up some volunteers for their cause.

We found some great programs that need our help:

  • Tonight we're going to help coach athletes for the local Special Olympics games. 
  • Friday, Wes is lacing up his skates (for the first time since his accident!!), to help individuals with disabilities and their families tackle the ice!  The event actually takes place at the rink where the Washington Capitals practice...which is on the top level of a parking garage, might we add.  Random.
  • Sunday we may garden at one of the local elementary schools.  The crew goes out for cervezas afterwards.  ;)
We're excited to be more involved!

Fun fact:  Did you all know that Wes was a Service Scholar when he was at Fisher? :)   

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