Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Checking things off!

As previously mentioned, we had a fantastic trip home this past weekend.  Obviously, seeing our AWESOME family and friends was the best part of all, however, we were also quite productive.  Here's what we accomplished for the wedding in just a few short days:

  1. Engagement photos!  Read a little bit about our super fantastic photographer, Chelse!
  2. Met Inna - the hip seamstress.  More fittings to come!
  3. Found the hotel - The Brookwood Inn
  4. Met Pastor Jack - the Man who will make us an honest couple.  We LOVED him - he really helped to bring all of our ceremony ideas to life!  
  5. Used our glorious drive back to VA to brainstorm some exciting, top-secret details for the big day!
Hope you had a wonderful Easter weekend - full of chocolaty surprises!


Joanne said...

So excited! "Yay wedding" to quote Rylyn! :) Good choice in vendors. :)

brit said...

Tell us! I don't like secrets! :)