Sunday, September 15, 2013

Week(ish) in Review

School is officially in full-swing and has single-handedly taken over my life.  Wes has been balancing the demands of working 2 jobs.  Needless to say, we've been a bit busy, so I apologize for the lack of posts.  Despite the ramped up schedule, we've managed to squeeze in some fun over the past week that we thought we'd share with you tonight.  Hope you've been enjoying the change of weather - LOVE the autumn feeling in the air!

Somebody turned 27 last Sunday!

Unfortunately, Mark didn't wear his Albino Penguin suite when we went to dinner at Trata that weekend.

You can officially fit 6 adults on a king size bed.

This happened!

All is right with the world now.

I was able to meet all of the kids that I'll be working with this year!  Those are 2 of my super sweet 3rd grade boys.

On Friday evening, we celebrated Steve & Karyn's new home!

After a trip to the market on Saturday morning, we picked up my Grandma to head to the candle shop (see below) and I was lucky enough to score her homemade marinated eggplant and hydrangeas from the yard!
p.s. the eggplant was grown in her garden.  Nothing beats homegrown!

If you've never been to the Main Street Trading Co. (a.k.a. the candle shop) in Macedon, YOU.NEED.TO.GO!  Their trademark, in my humble opinion, are their incredible candles, but if that doesn't light your fire, every inch of the converted country home is filled with antiques, country furniture, folk art and more!
p.s. Check out Uncle Bobby hanging out behind my Grandma!  He surprised us when he showed up at my Karyn and Steve's housewarming party on Friday.  

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