Monday, September 23, 2013

Married Mondays: 9.23.10

Three years ago today, on a brisk Fall evening, Wes and I walked over to the Memorial Art Gallery from my apartment on Atlantic Ave.  We had been seeing each other for a little over a month at the time, but had yet to "make it official" with the ever-anticipated boyfriend/girlfriend title.  Well, after our trip to the gallery, perhaps inspired by the lovely art, we decided that it was finally time to put a label on it. :) 

Unfortunately, the Memorial Art Gallery is closed on Monday's, so we couldn't recreate the night completely, but we tried our best anyway...  

We started by grabbing a coffee at Starry Nites and then breaking into entering through the open door of my old building to take a trip down memory lane.     

We have so many memories in and around the Flat Iron building.  For example, the 1st time Wes came over - he was still on his crutches and had to climb 2 extra-long flights of stairs to get to my apartment!  I warned him, but he came anyway. *sigh*  He also took a cab all the way from Greece - I know this because I found the $40 receipt on my living room floor the next morning.  
~Be still my heart~  

Next, we walked along the gorgeous grounds of the gallery.  This is one of my favorite Rochester spots!  Breathtaking tree-line and what we hope our driveway looks like someday.

We had fun taking in the new additions to the area!

Love me some feet pictures!


I was super excited to be able to call Wes my boyfriend that night and now I'm proud to have him as my husband!

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Another Ca-Razy Fast review.

It all started with cooking lessons at Grandma's!

We left with 4 ziploc bags full of homemade marinara sauce, a large pan of baked eggplant, and her famous chocolate chip cookies!  We were satisfied students!

Then it was time for a beautiful Fall wedding in Lockport.  
Congrats to Tricia and Corey!

The alarm rang early this morning, but it was worth it to see Wes, my dad, sister and our good friend, Mike run in the Rochester Marathon Relay! 
Team frynweke = FR (Frank), YN (Karyn), WE (Wes), KE (Mike).

Here they are post-race!  
Congrats guys - you're inspiring!

Happy Fall everyone!!

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Week(ish) in Review

School is officially in full-swing and has single-handedly taken over my life.  Wes has been balancing the demands of working 2 jobs.  Needless to say, we've been a bit busy, so I apologize for the lack of posts.  Despite the ramped up schedule, we've managed to squeeze in some fun over the past week that we thought we'd share with you tonight.  Hope you've been enjoying the change of weather - LOVE the autumn feeling in the air!

Somebody turned 27 last Sunday!

Unfortunately, Mark didn't wear his Albino Penguin suite when we went to dinner at Trata that weekend.

You can officially fit 6 adults on a king size bed.

This happened!

All is right with the world now.

I was able to meet all of the kids that I'll be working with this year!  Those are 2 of my super sweet 3rd grade boys.

On Friday evening, we celebrated Steve & Karyn's new home!

After a trip to the market on Saturday morning, we picked up my Grandma to head to the candle shop (see below) and I was lucky enough to score her homemade marinated eggplant and hydrangeas from the yard!
p.s. the eggplant was grown in her garden.  Nothing beats homegrown!

If you've never been to the Main Street Trading Co. (a.k.a. the candle shop) in Macedon, YOU.NEED.TO.GO!  Their trademark, in my humble opinion, are their incredible candles, but if that doesn't light your fire, every inch of the converted country home is filled with antiques, country furniture, folk art and more!
p.s. Check out Uncle Bobby hanging out behind my Grandma!  He surprised us when he showed up at my Karyn and Steve's housewarming party on Friday.  

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Farmers Market Fun!

This morning my mom, sister and I took our 1st trip to the Public Market together since Wes and I moved home and it was lovely!  

There were beautiful fresh cut flowers everywhere!

And food trucks!

The hydrangeas were GORgeous.

Picked up some coconut flakes for smoothies here.  If you're not familiar, they're an ingredient warehouse with just about anything you may need to fulfill a recipe!

My favorite stand of all - The Amish make the best banana bread!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

New Digs for Old Friends

This past Sunday Wes and I were able to see our good friends brand new home!  That's Dan and Brit smiling in front of their dining area.  It's their first house together, which makes it that much more special!  I unfortunately didn't take many intentional photos of the house, but if you glance behind some of the silly poses below, you'll get a glimpse.  
Congrats to Dan and Brit on an exciting step and a super cozy new home!

couch and coffee table.

dining area, again.


living room looking out onto front porch.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Let the festivities begin!

Today marked the first official day of the new school year and I was lucky enough to have a very handsome visitor mid-morning, who delivered this bright bouquet!  Amidst the first day chaos, it was just what I needed to keep perspective.  :)  

This year will be a bit different as I transition from a classroom teacher to an academic intervention teacher role.  As with any change, I feel a mixture of emotions, but as usual am mostly excited and ready to see those happy, bright faces tomorrow morning!!

Drive safe tomorrow - there will be lots of extra little ones out and about! ;)

Monday, September 2, 2013

Fleet Feet Summerfest 12k

One of the best parts about being back home is that we get to participate in the "little" moments of life.  For example, this past weekend I was able to watch my dad and sister (and her friend Alana), run 7.5 miles through Mendon Ponds Park!

Here's my dad crossing the finish line!

And Karyn!  
Check out the maybe 4-year old (??) who appeared to have run the race BY HIMSELF!  In a moment of confusion after crossing the finish line and apparently not having anyone there to greet him at the end (!!), he decided to wander back down the lane into oncoming traffic.   Seriously, when are people going to have to take a test in order to become parents?!

Congrats to you both for a job well done!
Next on the docket is the Rochester Marathon Relay later in September.  Wes is going to run that with them, as well!