Thursday, November 3, 2011

Here kitty, kitty...

So our apartment is located in the corner of two wings of the building.  Which means that if the blinds are open on both sides, we can basically read the lips of our corner neighbors.  Awwwwkward.  We're in the process of shopping for curtains.  Anyway, our corner neighbors have a cat.  See it in the window?  We decided to make friends with the neighbors cat.  This is Wes attempting to playing peek-a-boo. 
In true cat fashion, the snob decided to look away as soon as we started playing.  We'll try again tomorrow night.

1 comment:

Joanne said...

Friend! Wes looks like he's going to pounce on it in the second photo. On our honeymoon, a little kitty friend visited us on our patio each morning. She was all about Ben, but he sneezed and shooed her away. :)