Friday, August 24, 2012

Last day of "Freedom."

Well, it's about that time - the school year officially begins on Monday (for teachers, at least).  I took a sneak peak at my class list and it looks like, so far, I'm starting off with 23 kiddos.  I was telling Wes the other day that I'm actually really excited for this school year to start.  I feel so much more prepared and comfortable going into this year, compared to the mix of emotions I felt last year at this time.  Through the summer work I've done, I have been able to form great relationships with some of my co-workers that I didn't really get a chance to know in the craziness that was the 2011-2012 school year.  Of course, nothing compares to my West Irondequoit friends - I still see people that resemble you in the hallway and get a momentary thrill of excitement, followed quickly by disappointment.  Soon enough, we'll be together again. ;)

Anyway, in my preparation for the new year, I've been looking through the numerous Teacher magazines I find in my mailbox at work.  Check out what I found yesterday!!
As I sit hear, at Starbucks, enjoying my last Freedom Cup of Coffee, while writing this blog post, I can't help but open a new tab to place an order for a set of these!  It's the little things in life, people.

I'll meet my new eager (fingers crossed) learners at Open House next Thursday afternoon.  Stay tuned for a photo!


Joanne said...

Happy first day back!

Jaime and Wes said...

Thanks Chica! :)